How old can I be but still be able to get on board?

on 11 Aug 2022 6:42 PM

    Fitness means commitment to a lifestyle. We focus on three key elements: 1) Exercise, 2) Nutrition, and 3) Discipline. Not every element of this will be easy. The difficulty will depend on how far you want to go. But we will always be pursuing YOUR ultimate goal.

    As a competitive physique and powerlifting athlete, I will give you the benefit of fifty years of experience. Those who want single-digit bodyfat will be expending far more effort than those who simply wish to get into better shape. I can get you to either place.

    In terms of nutrition, we will focus on calories and macronutrients (protein, carbs and fats). I can give you the precise nutrition plan to get you where you want to go. But it is YOU that will have to supply the discipline. Fortunately, we will cover many aspects of discipline together. We will explore discipline and mental toughness tools such as 1) the offensive mindset, 2) the agenda, target and plan, 3) instructional self-talk, 4) meditation and visualization, 5) willpower and impulse control and 6) the value of crucible experiences – among others.

    I will also prescribe an exact weight training program and you will have access to videos that demonstrate EVERY exercise, along with the recommended sets and repetitions. Where appropriate, we will include the precise cardio exercises to help us advance to our goal. We will talk for a minimum one hour each week. We will always be looking to adapt to your personal situation. 

    Finally, I’m concerned for our country and our world. Obesity is out of control. I want to do my best to help those who are struggling. So let me ask you: How long have you been planning to attack your health and fitness? If you begin today, or two years from now – I’ll still be here at single digit body fat.

    And I’d love to have you join me, sooner rather than later.


    • Get Fit Elite Exercise, Nutrition, Discipline - One-Time Payment for 3 months is $750

    • Get Fit Elite Exercise, Nutrition, Discipline - Monthly Payments are $299